Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Feast Fit For Kings and Queens

One of the subjects we deal with in our Real Life Marriage seminars is sexual intimacy.

Besides the obvious physical pleasures, there is a spiritual component through which the relentless, tugging separation that seeks to divide a husband and wife is pushed back for a season; the two are re-joined. That re-connection is a feeling we long for at the deepest core of our being- to be rightly connected to someone who loves us and accepts us as we are.

Yet we try to fill that longing with all sorts of substitutes; pornography, infidelity, perversion and more. God intended us to dine at the most luxurious restaurant in the world, eating delicacies set aside for kings and for queens. Yet we persist in trying to satisfy that appetite by dumpster diving.

This particular post is perhaps less a condemnation of dumpster diving, than it is a standing ovation for the miraculous gift of sexual intimacy between a husband and wife- a gift worthy of celebration and thanksgiving. At least that's how Boompa sees it.


Brandon said...

WOW! Excellent thoughts! How true it is that we have such incredible gifts before our very eyes and yet we're often tempted to consume garbage instead of delicacies.


Mom's the Name said...

Great blog, Boompa!! The question I have is -- who did you pay to dive into the dumpster? :-)

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mommybug29 said...

Oh how I love analogies! So true about the dumpster diving when we could be feasting. Thanks for sharing. I can tell I will be coming back to read your blog and wisdom often.